Sampling design(SD) plays a crucial role in providing reliable input for digital soil mapping(DSM) and increasing its efficiency.Sampling design, with a predetermined sample size and consideration of budget and spatial variability, is a selection procedure for identifying a set of sample locations ...
sampling design that ensures calibration and validation sites are repre- sentative of the full distribution of the covariates used for prediction. Ide- ally sampling should encompass the full range of environmental conditions within a study area. Doing this will limit the subjectivity inher- ...
Fig. 1. Maps showing the locations of the study area (A, B) and sampling sites, super-imposed on the digital elevation model (C). The study area has seven benchmark soils, reported here according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources [18]. The soils developed mainly on sandston...
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of three spatial association models used in digital soil mapping and the effects of additional point sampling in a steep-slope watershed (1,200 ha). A soil survey was carried out and 74 soil profiles were analyzed. The tested models were: Multino...
This study aims to explore the effects of different non-landslide sampling strategies on machine learning models in landslide susceptibility mapping. Non-landslide samples are inherently uncertain, and the selection of non-landslide samples may suffer fr
Featuring our Patented Digital Chain Of Custody, SampleServe supplies digital solutions for sampling. From Cannabis, Environmental Sampling to Drinking Water, SampleServe has a solution.
scanned digital image of the root specimen sampled with the equipment. For validation, soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) and common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentumMoench) plant species were sampled with the equipment, and the scanned digital image of the soybean root specimen was analyzed with the...
Sampling design(SD) plays a crucial role in providing reliable input for digital soil mapping(DSM) and increasing its efficiency.Sampling design, with a predetermined sample size and consideration of budget and spatial variability, is a selection procedure for identifying a set of sample locations ...
However, the predictive capacity of models remained quite low when extrapolated to an independent validation area. Nevertheless, this study offers encouragement for the success of extrapolating soil patterns from existing soil maps to fill the gaps in present soil map coverage and to increase ...
The updated soil series map was 13.4% more accurate than the existing conventional soil series map. Introduction Many Iranian soil maps need to be updated, but conventional methods of soil mapping are expensive and time consuming. Digital soil mapping can reduce the costs associated with updating ...