As described above, the time performance of the qPMS algorithms is affected by both the numbertof input sequences and the proportionqof the input sequences containing motif instances; specifically, a largetor a smallqwill increase the computation time for both the stpd and the spd qPMS algorithms...
whereyis ann × 1 vector of phenotype values ofnindividuals,Cis ann × pmatrix ofpcovariates (e.g., age, sex, smoking status),βis ap × 1vector of the fixed covariate effects on the phenotype,Wis ann × mmatrix ofmstandardized DNAm values, wheremis the number of DNA...
It is noted that although the number of variables of all subsets from 4 to 5 months is greater than 70, their results are not as good as the benchmarks. It seems that they do not follow the pattern shown in Figures 4 and 5 which reveal that when the number of the variables is ...