根据2021年7月更新的蓝牙5.3规范,使用Verilog HDL硬件描述语言设计了一个具有链路层发送数据处理功能的模块。设计方法包括设计CRC、白化和编码映射等功能模块来处理比特流,并根据蓝牙发送报文的结构设计状态机以控制整体发送数据处理过程。通过在代码的testbench中使用core5.3提供的示例数据,可以利用Modelsim功能对该模块进行...
The Verilog code is driven such that the module is reset for the first 16ns. However, the output mismatch seen on the Simulink scope is for 24ns. In order to better understand why this delay occurs, we have captured a snapshot of the HDL simulator waveform (with delta-time delays and ...
I was referring to my testbench. I included a simulation of the FTDI in verilog (it's basically a simulation of the FTDI and the USB bus, since it generates data for the FTDI to send to the FPGA at set times / frames of data) in one of my testbench files. In case a transfer...