Check the service history. A full service history is proof of regular servicing and a good indicator that the vehicle has been well maintained. Never buy a car without taking it for a test drive first. Read ourTest Drive Checklistso you know what to look our for. Remember, you'll need ...
the U.S. Government shall have theright to rejectthe vehicleforperformance of services.Method of surveillance: COR observed performance and / or documented performance from the ship includingemail correspondenceand data from thePort VisitChecklist.Quality Levelof acceptance: Performanceshall be measured...
Inspection Checklist(Check one) HOT LIST PRICINGAt any time during this Contract, Supplier may offer a specific selection of Equipment, Products, or Services at discounts greater than those listed in the Contract. When Supplier determines it will offer Hot List Pricing, it must be submitted electr...
There is a requirement to prove that you own the property You need to prove that the vehicle is owned by you. You may have asked for a loan from the bank. When your deed or the title certificate cannot suffice you are asked to provide anaffidavit of ownershipto the bank. ...
will workwith the Villageto determinescope andspecification for widening the section of Cumnor Roadadjacent tothe Propertyfor thepurpose of meetingcurrent codeforemergency vehicle access. The Parties anticipate that the cost of widening Cumnor Road will be allocated principally to thetotal cost of the...
At the time of the Outlet Inspection, Defendants shall also review the DMRSample protocolsset forth in Paragraph 44 to determine whether the DMR Sample was collected and verified appropriately, which determination Defendants shall record on the Outlet Inspection Checklist. ...