/** * @api {get} /api/v1/queryJob query job * @apiDescription query job * @apiName job * @apiGroup job * @apiHeader (jwt token){String} Authorization jwt authorization * @apiHeaderExample {json} Request-Example: * { * "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVC...
Checking the file name extension works only for enclosures that have already been downloaded. If the file doesn't exist, you must to check the MIME type of the enclosure. You can also parse the file name extension of the URL. The URL may include query parameters, or refer to a file typ...
Make sure the query string conforms to the FetchXml reference. Before you include the string in the URL, you must URL-encode it.In this example, we query for all contacts where fullname matches (sample), and return the results in descending order by fullname.This is the XML for the ...
Table 2 Query parameters Parameter Mandatory Type Description high_score No String Upper limit of the confidence score. The default value is 1. label_name No String Label name label_type No Integer Labeling type. Options: 0: image classification 1: object detection 3: image segmentation 100: ...
withQid public SampleUtterance withQid(String qid) Set the qid property: Question id of sample utterance (for stackoverflow questions titles). Parameters: qid - the qid value to set. Returns: the SampleUtterance object itself.withText public SampleUtterance withText(String text) Set the text ...
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, seeLog Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, seeQuery. Connection Errors List connection checkpoints and errors for each connection attempt, along with detailed information across all users. ...
); } } }, _getClientUrl: function () { /// /// Private function to return the server URL from the context /// ///<returns>String</returns> var clientUrl = this._context().getClientUrl() return clientUrl; }, _ODataPath: function () { /// /// Private function to return the...
FilePlaceHolder Url=""https://localhost/Documents/TransformEmployeesNew.xsl"" ></FilePlaceHolder></XslApplicatorConverterSettings> </rca:property> </rca:Converter> </rca:RCAuthoringProperties>"; try { convertedPage = pages.Add(newPageNameNonStandard, docFile, transformerId, non...
Archived 手机、平板 客户端API support.hwid Overview HuaweiIdAuthManager support.hwid.request Overview HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams HuaweiIdAuthParams HuaweiIdAuthParamsHelper support.hwid.result Overview AuthHuaweiId HuaweiIdAuthResult support.hwid.service ...
// The Transfer Event is similar to a Function: it also includes parameters with name, order and type. // But also a boolean value indicating if the parameter is indexed or not. // Indexed parameters will allow us later on to query the blockchain for those values. [Event("Transfer")...