My Sweet Joshua has a heart condition and needs medical care I can’t give him. “Please, Pastor Thomas, get him the help he needs so he can have a hope and a future. And tell him how much I love him. I can only pray that one day he will be able to find it in his heart ...
Liberals acknowledge that people do have passions and desires, but they maintain that people also have the ability, through reason, to control and direct their desires. Most women and men, they insist, are rational beings who know what is in their own interests and, given the opportunity, ...
"I don't know if I ever revealed to you the fact that being allowed to learn German was all the paid-for education I ever had. Two thousand pounds was spent on my brother's, I still hope not in vain."1 Mary Kingsley is not speaking for herself alone; she is speak- ing, still,...
It is chastening to realize that for all the work inspired by the Gricean paradigm since the William James lectures first circulated in mimeo form among linguists and philo- sophers in the late 1960s, the nature of the enterprise stubbornly continues to be misunderstood. (See Green 1990 for ...