TOKSampleEssay#1- Ashumanbeings,weareconstantlysearchingforthishigherlevelofknowledge,truth,whetheritisinthesciences,inourownlives,orin religion.Forexample,ifIwanttoknowhowIcanfindtheareaofatrianglegiventwosidesandanangle,Ijustrefertothetrigonometry sectionofamathtextbook,whichgivestheequationmeetingthosecriteriaaswel...
We tried also to include more than one high scoring essay in each set of exemplars, because one effect that we wished to avoid was the notion of a “model” excellent essay. Since it was not appropriate to translate student work, the essays and comments are different in each language. ...
The five TOK essay grades, with mark ranges as set in May 2002, are as follows. Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor 32–40 marks 27–31 marks 20–26 marks 0–13 marks Mediocre work 14–19 marks Presentation of Material Each essay has been re...
IB ToK Essay Tok Exhibition IB written assignment (WA) IB Extended Essay IB ITGS IA EE & Computer Science Dossier 1 2 3 4 Welcome To Top Class IB Tutors Hello IB Students! Are your facing difficulties in doing your IB homework, IB Internal Assessment or IB Essays? Do you ...
DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Teacher Support Material Theory of Knowledge Assessment exemplars k BACCALAUREATE ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL First examinations 2001