第一种: Literature(文献)+Reflection of one's own experience and practice(亲身经历与反思)+Implications(影响),即从文献理论出发来谈谈某一方面的学术研究,然后结合自身的经历实践,批判性地分析、得出结论并对未来进行展望; 第二种:Developa research proposal(将你RP中的内容进行扩展),尽量通过你的RP让学校认识...
你好,writing sample 是论文性的文章,一般和所申请的方向相关, 长度要求从2页到30页不等,主要是考察申请人的思考能力,学术潜力和写作能力。有些学校的文史类或社会科学专业会要求提交writing sample,比如文化研究类,教育学,社会学,政治学,传媒,经济学,法学等。而research proposal主要说明申请人...
Sample Organization for a Non-discipline-specific Research Proposal .1 Title of Project: Give your project a working title, which may or may not become the title of your paper.2 Statement of purpose: Explain what you hope your research will find or show. State your question or series of ...
Research Proposal是SGU/G30英文授课的硕士和博士项目所必须提交的申请材料。Writing Sample也是许多海外商科/经济学项目申请中需要提交的材料,他们都可以综合体现申请人的写作能力、解决问题能力、逻辑思维和对专业的理解深度。RP/WS也是申请过程中最磨人的小妖精,需要小伙伴们投入大量的时间精力才能写好一份RP/WS。有鉴...
Research Proposal Design requirements of an efficient solar thermal collector incorporated into existing hot water systems: Detailed analysis of the radiative and convective heat transfers XXX Introduction: With the increasing problems associated with the fossil fuel related energy production, exploration and...
Research Proposal Research Proposal Design requirements of an efficient solar thermal collector incorporated into Design requirements of an efficient solar thermal collector incorporated into existing hot water systems: Detailed analysis of the radiative and convective heat existing hot water systems: Detailed...