1.取样器超(Sample timeout) 设置 可以对采样器设置 最大超时时间 注:当设置为0时,0是个特殊值,相当于无限大,永不超时 右键>>> 添加 >>> 前置处理器 >>> 取样器超时(Sample Timeout) Sample timeout (in milliseconds):超时时间,默认时间为10s秒 注:当设置为0时,0是个特殊值,相当于无限大,永不超时...
[in] rfTime 指向传入的引用时间的指针。 参考时间以 100 纳秒为单位测量。 [out] pllSampleTime 示例时间的输出指针。 此参数指向调用方分配的变量,该方法将计算样本时间写入其中。 返回值 如果调用成功,RefTimeToSample返回STATUS_SUCCESS。 否则,该方法将返回适当的错误代码。
sample period 美 英 un.取样周期;取样间隔;样本期 网络采样周期;采样时间间隔;用于对连续时间信号的采样 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 取样周期 2. 取样间隔 3. 样本期 释义: 全部,取样周期,取样间隔,样本期,采样周期,采样时间间隔,用于对连续时间信号的采样...
in the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll assembly// located in the SDK\bin folder.usingMicrosoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;namespaceMicrosoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples{///<summary>///Demonstrates how to create, retrieve, update, and delete.///a dialog process.</summary>///<remarks>///At run-...
getenv("MAX_RETRIES", 5)) timeout = int(os.getenv("TIMEOUT", 30)) debug = os.getenv("DEBUG", "False").lower() in ("true", "1", "t") # Create Token Provider token_provider = get_bearer_token_provider( DefaultAzureCredential(), "https://cognitiveservices.azure.com/.default" )...
Enter the sample time in theSample timefield. ClickOK. Following is a figure of a parameters dialog box for theSine Waveblock after entering0.1in theSample timefield. To specify and inspect block-based sample times throughout a model, consider using the Model Data Editor (on theModelingtab,...
not discrete but [0, 1]. Specify a discrete sample time in,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Unlike simple random sampling, systematic sampling is more efficient when it comes to time and cost. There is also a lower risk of data being manipulated. This type of sampling is best used when: There is some order in the population ...
Specifies the sample time being passed in. [out] prfTime Output pointer for the reference time. This parameter is a pointer to a caller-allocated variable into which the method writes the calculated reference time. Reference time is measured in 100-nanosecond units. ...
data structure is initialized by calling the functionlegacy_code()usinginitializeas the first input. After initializing the structure, you have to assign its properties to values corresponding to the legacy code being integrated. The prototypes of the legacy functions being called in this example are...