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图标) > Settings > Version Control > Git界面,单击Test按钮检测是否安装Git工具。已安装,请根据2开始导入Sample。 未安装,请单击Download and Install,DevEco Studio会自动下载并安装。安装完成后,请根据2开始导入Sample。在DevEco Studio的欢迎页,单击Import Sample按钮,导入Sample工程。
Test按钮检测是否安装Git工具。说明在打开工程的情况下,可以单击File > Settings进入设置界面。 已安装,请根据2开始导入Sample。 未安装,请单击Download and Install,DevEco Studio会自动下载并安装。安装完成后,请根据2开始导入Sample。在DevEco Studio的欢迎页,单击Import Sample按钮,导入Sample工程。
After setting the dependencies value, you are prompted to download the symbols from the base project/package if they aren't present.Application Test ToolkitWe are using the Application Test Toolkit to automate and run the tests that we write. The toolkit includes:Codeunits with test f...
In either project, edit theappsettings.jsonfile. Set the connection stringUrlandUsernameparameters as appropriate for your test environment. The environment Url can be found in the Power Platform admin center. It has the formhttps://<environment-name> ...
Instead of vanilladockeryou can also use the provideddocker-compose.ymlfile to start the database containers. Each one has a service named after the Spring profile: docker compose up mysql or docker compose up postgres Test Applications
25 Project Test Release Since adding Glotter nearly a year ago, we've finally managed to piece together 25 project tests. Here's the list: Baklava BinarySearch BubbleSort Capitalize ConvexHull EvenOdd Factorial Fibonacci FileIO FizzBuzz HelloWorld InsertionSort JobSequencing LCS LinearSearch MergeSo...
Convert the Caffe ResNet-50 model file into an offline model that adapts to the Ascend AI Processors in advance. The directory structure of the sample is as follows: ├── data │ ├── dog1_1024_683.jpg //Test image. Obtain the test image according to the guide and save it to th...