Sample Terms of ReferenceRoger Guarda, RR
The lack of clear terms of reference, including agreement on sample sizes and sources of supportive data and alignment with [...] 缺乏明确的职权范围,包括没有议定 抽 样 规 模和 辅助 数据来源, 以及没有与全组织评价政策保持一致,是进行有效评价的障碍。 daccess-ods.un...
Year of Reference Medicinal Product and Ingredient CREATEDATE Create Date Medicinal Product CHGDATE Date ChangedSample SNOMED Dictionary This section provides a structural diagram of the sample SNOMED dictionary, and the dictionary level and Level Relations Definitions that are required to create a diction...
Specific Terms of Reference. To provide policy advice to the Joint Committee and to implement the decisions of the Joint Committee.
aThe term of this Statement of Work shall commence on August 1st, 2012 and is estimated to end on July 31st, 2013, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or this Statement of Work. Term of services outlined in this Statement of work shall not actually end ...
GENERAL TERMS OF REFERENCE. To provide advice and guidance to the Joint Committee within the specific terms of reference of the Joint Committee.
In this line of thought, concept-based XAI methods (such as concept-based learning algorithms, see Section 3.2.2) explain individual predictions not as pixel-wise attributions but in terms of semantically meaningful concepts (for example, ‘eye’, ‘red stripe’, ‘tyre’) represented by hidden...
Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: System.Diagnostics Assembly: System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll Source: CounterSample.cs Defines a structure that holds the raw data for a performance counter. C# Copy public readonly struct CounterSample : IEquatable<System.Diagnostics.CounterSample>...
With sample data displayed at design time, you can ensure that your layout behaves correctly at run time. To make the sample data accessible to controls in the designer, you apply theDesignDatabuild action to the sample data file and reference the file in the DesignData design-time attribute...
The Recovery partition must be the partition after the Windows partition to ensure winre.wim can be kept up-to-date during life of the device. The following diagram shows the resulting partition configuration: rem == CreatePartitions-BIOS.txt == rem == These commands are used with DiskPart ...