Like Kendall's K statistic, rS is an estimate of a population parameter, but it is a more complicated expression than τ. Under independence, this parameter is 0 and the statistic rS is distribution free. Consider the standardized test statistic given by (117)zS=n−1rs, which is ...
In order to contextualize a descriptive statistic (or any other statistic, usually referred to in this context as a parameter) derived from a sample data set, a range of values can be provided that are likely to include the population parameter. This range is called the confidence interval, ...
The Hypothesis Testing Process 3.Determine the cutoff sample score on the comparison distribution at which the null hypothesis should be rejected Cutoff sample score (critical value) – how extreme a difference do we need to reject the null hyp? Conventional levels of significance: p <...
If the sample is random and sample size is large then the sample mean would be a good estimate of the population mean. Show Video Lesson How To Calculate A Point Estimate For A Population Mean? A point estimate is the value of a statistic that estimates the value of a parameter. For ex...
Absolute versus relative difference and why it matters for sample size determination When using a sample size calculator it is important to know what kind of inference one is looking to make: about the absolute or about the relative difference, often called percent effect, percentage effect, relati...
However, my sample sizes are not similar (71/242) and therefore I have been taught to be very leery of the corrected t statistic. One solution I have been told is to select a random sample of the bigger group (so I would select 71 cases randomly out of the 242) and then run the ...
The performance of each trained classifier was assessed using either the AUC statistic or average classification accuracy, estimated from class predictions made on 25% of samples that were held out of the classifier training process. For each value of number of features input to the classifier in ...
Suppose that we are sampling a population in which about 30% favor some candidate, and we want to sample enough people so we can distinguish this value from 33%. The idea here is the same as before. Here we can use the sample count as our test statistic. This count has a binomial ...
The second approach is to set two levels of the parameter in question and corresponding α and β risks and then find the needed sample size and critical value for the statistic to be used. Thus, in this case, two points on the OC curve are specified....
It is often the case that a test statistic has a closed formula, therefore it is computationally easy. For each data point in the tail area, its probability is a function of the nuisance parameter. In a binomial comparative study, the E p-value is computed as PE=∑x∈ΩT(x*)P(x|...