To further nourish my research interest, I joined KNISS LABORATORIES, a renowned name in the pharmaceutical industry as a summer intern (2016). I worked there in microbiology lab and Quality Control Department. I studied the antimicrobial activities of natural herbal plants like Neem and Tulsi. T...
身为@InVisor留学小鸥同事的芳老师还能坐着不管嘛~ Research Proposal(研究计划) Research Proposal一般是申请博士或者部分硕士需要的。因此其要求的学术性和专业性是不低的,与Personal Statement(个人陈述)不同,其中无须包含个人情感或者经历等软性材料。最佳写作状态就是成为一个没感情的机器~ 无论如何,Research Propo...
Currently I am working towards my Master’s Degree in XX, where I have finally found my motivating field of interest. My major is in the theory and applications of nonlinear control, which involves research into the ability to control systems while making them more human. With only four class...
Quotes, anecdotes, questions, examples, and broad statements—all of them can used successfully to write an introduction for a research paper. It’s instructive to see them in action, in the hands of skilled academic writers. Whether you begin with a story, puzzle, or broad statement, the n...
“How much sample do we need?” is one of the most commonly-asked questions and stumbling points in the early stages ofresearch design. Finding the right answer to it requires first understanding and answering two other questions: How important is statistical significance to you and your stakehol...
Sample of statement of purposeIt is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my ...
Office of Research.The Officeof Research ischarged withadministeringthe development, disposition (including assignment ofownership and licensing rights) and oversight of commercialization of NJIT’s intellectual property in a manner consistent withthe objectivesof this Policy. In fulfilling its obligations, ...
Free Sample Personal Statement in Education The genesis of my intense interest in education, an interest which has now evolved into an aspiration and a pursuit for a career in the field, happened during my undergraduate studies. A Basic Training Program delivered by the graduates from Yale ...
2024 In May 2023, the first samples of the Earth’s mantle, the silicate rock layer between the crust and outer core of our planet, were pulled up by the research vessel JOIDES Resolution. Matthew Wills, JSTOR Daily, 29 Nov. 2024 Verb The set is valued at £97, offering a ...
2Write a tentative thesis statement Write a tentative thesis statement. This is the central theme of your paper and helps you to focus your research. Explain what you expect your research will uncover. List the question that you will answer through your research. ...