PCM provides a uniform modulation technique suitable for other signals on many different types of media including wire, coaxial cable, free space, and optical fibers. 5. PCM is compatible with time division multiplexing. View chapterExplore book Communication Systems, Civilian Simon Haykin, in Encyclo...
Alternatively, for arrays of peptides from life space, this spacing facilitates identifying the true epitope. The spacing between compounds can also be controlled using spaced arrays; that is, arrays on surfaces coated with nano-structures that result in more uniform spacing between compounds in an...
The reduction in trade promotions brought about a loss of shelf space, which has directly led to the decrease in market share. Also, the product line has not changed in the past two years in a product category where new products and line extensions are routine. In addition, the market has...
By mapping the input sample to the hidden layer neuron, it uses the radial basis function to measure the similarity of the input sample, transforming it into a high-dimensional feature space for modeling. The RBFNN model calculates the final output result according to the output of the hidden ...