Joel Redding is a former soap-opera star who is coming to terms with middle age and life after television. He, his wife, Sally and son, Marshall have moved to a small town trying to regain a semblance of normal family life. While helping with a college theatre’s fund raiser, Monica,...
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes Speech - Language Surgery Urology Medical Specialty Allergy / Immunology Autopsy Bariatrics Cardiovascular / Pulmonary Chiropractic Consult - History and Phy. Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery Dentistry Dermatology Diets and Nutritions Discharge Summary Emergency Room Reports Endocrinol...
This study aimed to investigate whether sample entropy (SEn) and peak frequency values observed in treadmill walking could provide physical therapists valuable insights into gait rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It was recognized t