3. samplesize – Sample size for estimating the effect size 4. ncase – Number of cases 5. ncontrol – Number of controls 6. units – The units in which the effects are presented 7. gene – The gene or other annotation for the the SNP install.packages("devtools")devtools::install_githu...
samplesize- Sample size for estimating the effect size ncase- Number of cases ncontrol- Number of controls pval- The P-value for the SNP’s association with the exposure units- The units in which the effects are presented gene- The gene or other annotation for the the SNP 本教程将从本地...
chr - Physical position of variant (chromosome) position - Physical position of variant (position) samplesize - Sample size for estimating the effect size ncase - Number of cases ncontrol - Number of controls pval - The P-value for the SNP’s association with the exposure units - The units ...
Estimating effect sizes of differentially expressed genes for power and sample size assessments in microarray experiments. Biometrics. 2011;67:1225-35.Matsui, S. and H. Noma (2011): "Estimating effect sizes of differentially expressed genes for power and sample-size assessments in microarray ...
Perez, A., and J.J. Lefante. 1997. Sample size determination and the effect of censoring when estimating the arithmetic mean of a lognormal distribution. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 26 (11):2779-2801.Perez, A. y Lefante, J.J. 1997. Sample size determination and the...
In order for your survey to be representative for an entire population, you need to calculate the number of respondents: the survey sample size. Here's how!
Optimal sample size for estimating the proportion of transgenic plants using the Dorfman model with a random confidence interval. (2011) Optimal sample size for estimating the proportion of transgenic plants using the Dorfman model with a random confidence interval. Seed Science ... Montesinos-López...
The current method of determining sample size for confidence intervals does not accommodate multiple covariate adjustment. Under the normality assumption, the effect of multiple covariate adjustment on the standard error of the mean comparison is related to a Hotelling T 2 statistic. Sample size can ...
When estimating the sample size, it is necessary to combine a variety of estimation methods and choose the most conservative method; set a more reasonable rate of loss to follow-up (<20%) according to the test plan; the determination of the effect size also needs t...
Estimating design effect and calculating sample size for respondent-driven sampling studies of injection drug users in the United States. AIDS Behavior 2012;16(4):797-806.Wejnert C, Pham H, Krishna N, Le B, DiNenno E. Es- timating design effect and calculating sample size for respondent-...