;importcom.dn.UI.KeyWordsOfWeb;publicclassSampleOfCM {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {//TODO Auto-generated method stubKeyWordsOfWeb cm =newKeyWordsOfWeb(); cm.openBrowser("chrome"); cm.halt(1000); cm.setWindow(); cm.halt(1000); cm.getUrl("
首先来看一下测试类的Samplepackagetemp; importorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;importorg.testng.ITestContext;importorg.testng.annotations.*;importwebui.xUtils.browserUtil;importwebui.xUtils.TestNGListener; @Listeners({TestNGListener.class})publicclasstestTemp{ WebDriver driver; @Test(dataProvider= "MTD"...
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import java...
sample-code/examples java/junit/src/test/java/com/saucelabs/appium node helpers caps.js ios-actions.js ios-complex.js ios-selenium-webdriver-bridge.js ios-simple.js ios-webview.js ios-yiewd.js package.json temp-output.txt python .cache/v/cache...
Selenium Grid2 API details / sample code. Contribute to nicegraham/selenium-grid2-api development by creating an account on GitHub.
增加了注解方式支持,可以通过POJO+注解的方式编写一个爬虫,更符合Java开发习惯。以下是抓取一个博客的完整代码: @TargetUrl("\\d+") public class OschinaBlog { @ExtractBy("//title") private String title; @ExtractBy(value = "div.BlogContent",type = Extract...
Sample Code by Language LanguageFrameworksDescriptionLinks C#SeleniumExample scripts and dependencies for running automated Selenium tests on Sauce Labs using C#.GitHub JavaSelenium Appium JUnit4 JUnit5 TestNGEverything you need to get started with web, mobile, visual, functional, and all other typ...
Selenium Communication Teamwork Leadership Time management Programming Languages Java Python C# Certifications Certified SDET Professional, DevLabs Alliance, 2017 Test Automation Engineer, ISTQB, 2016 Language Skills Dutch – Native German – Upper-intermediate ...
Writing down your own code to test the sample REST API Rest API test cases can be tested with tools like: Advanced Rest Client Postman-Rest Client Curl in Linux Here we will be using Advanced Rest Client, below are the steps to get Advance Rest Client, ...
Ans.Give a name in name field -> select target API from the list -> enter the size -> select the required skin section -> click on create AVD -> select the required AVD -> click on start button -> launch it Q #26)Does Selenium support mobile internet testing?