This sample demonstrates binding certain data of a grid to an igSparkline chart.This allows the user to visually analyze the grid data.
<b>Note: </b>The Knockout extensions do not work with the ASP.NET MVC Helpers.<br/> This sample demonstrates support of knockout.js bindings with the igGrid widget. In this implementation, the selected row of the grid is bound using a standard two-w
1973: Roe v. Wade is decided One of the most well-known and controversial Supreme Court decisions, Roe v. Wade established a woman's right to an abortion at any time during the first three months of her pregnancy, and, with some restrictions, in later trimesters as well. In the decade...
Background: Although xenobiotics from food processing have gained support as possible drivers of the relationship between diet and some types of cancer, there are still few studies characterizing the intake of these compounds among different populations.
entropy Article Sample Entropy of Human Gait Center of Pressure Displacement: A Systematic Methodological Analysis Samira Ahmadi 1, Nariman Sepehri 1,*, Christine Wu 1 and Tony Szturm 2 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6, Canada; ahmadis3@myu...
in the the tit$mcsbtaapase1axxre0Ayeamdn0drsedehoeediaxyrncdeupvolgheueceuibscltondsiettmonsioonnericndeeg:ssasfeah.pir.cddtIeeniuianeTlycslodxtgisrsetoatetptexiraehabxmc$roepqmvravTFels5ecteueaeinsiiihcnpt0nnzai,leirsastiegaa0tqlesneisetidnfbtsausdcwyaumctpi.lxoanainediairtmaslntd,oefitch...
Determinants of Return-on-Equity (ROE) of Biogas Plants Operating in Poland. Energies 2023, 16, 31. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zabolotnyy, S.; Melnyk, M. The Financial Efficiency of Biogas Stations in Poland. In Renewable Energy Sources: Engineering, Technology, Innovation; Mudryk, K., ...
ionn2pperrefsoernmtsanfecaet.ures such as hy- brid convTohleutrieosnt,oDfrtohpeopuat,paenrdisDorrogpabnliozcekduassedfoilnlotwhes.pSroepctoiosend2mpordeseel.nTtshefedateutariels sauncdh as parahmyberteidr csoetntvinoglustoiofnt,hDe rporpoopuots,eadndmDordoepl balroeckinutrsoeduincetdhein...
The TEQ has been used in studies conducted in a number of different countries, such as Canada (Cusi et al. 2011; Lamothe et al. 2014; Parlar et al. 2014), United Kingdom (Brewer and Kerslake 2015; Robinson and Wright 2013), USA (Baldner and McGinley 2014), France (Lelorain et al....
btoydeacrroeuansde b7y0a.6ro%un(dfr7o0m.6%3.(4fr3o8mto3.413.801to 1b.a0r1),batrh)e, tqhueaqsui-adsiif-fdeirfefenrteianltiparlepsrseusrseurtoe tdoedcleicnleinbeyby888%8%(f(rformom00.6.68844toto00.0.08822 bbaarr)),, tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ttiimmeetoto ddeeccrree...