Use Audio Session Services to set an appropriate audio session category for playback. Use the AVAudioPlayer interruption delegate methods to pause playback upon receiving an interruption, and to then resume playback if the interruption ends. Demonstrates a technique to perform Fast Forward and Rewind...
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ bool WriterWorkerV4::resume() { void WriterWorkerV4::flush_ingestion_tasks(bool finalize) { ac_.flush(finalize); ss_.flush(finalize); vs_.flush(finalize); } @@ -304,6 +305,7 @@ bool WriterWorkerV4::buffer_record(const RecordHeapV4::Node& node) { // Ing...
#define INCLUDE_xTaskResumeFromISR 1 #endif /* __FREERTOS_CONFIG_H__ */ Loading... 马建仓 AI 助手 C 1 zdevt FreeRTOS-Kernel FreeRTOS-Kernel main深圳...
You’ll want these messages to be short and sweet when you’re reminding customers about an upcoming webinar, in-person appointment or one-on-one meeting. Remember to include your contact details, such as your name, phone number, or link for the event if it's online. At Salesmsg, we’...
is unable to work due to illness or injury during the term of his employment, and absences from work exceed Employee's available paid leave, Employee may provide notice to Company that he will take unpaid leave(s) of absence until such time as Employee is cleared to resume his employment....
#1) Social Engineering Test:In this test, attempts are being made to make a person reveal sensitive information like passwords, business-critical data, etc. These tests are mostly done through phone or internet and it targets certain helpdesks, employees & processes. ...
The length of the leave of absence, including the date on which the leave shall commence and the date on which the employee shall resume duties, shall be determined by the employee and the employee’s physician. An employee shall report her condition to her supervisor and indicate ...
When we are applying for a job, we usually send a resume together with our letter of application A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis(大纲) than a resume. It includes a summary of your educational and academic background...
Use Audio Session Services to set an appropriate audio session category for playback. Use the AVAudioPlayer interruption delegate methods to pause playback upon receiving an interruption, and to then resume playback if the interruption ends. Demonstrates a technique to perform Fast Forward and Rewind...
Use Audio Session Services to set an appropriate audio session category for playback. Use the AVAudioPlayer interruption delegate methods to pause playback upon receiving an interruption, and to then resume playback if the interruption ends. Demonstrates a technique to perform Fast Forward and Rewind...