React Native boilerplate with authorization (redux-form validation) and persistent login. Installation Mobile App Clone the repository and run the following commands under your project root: Must have react-native installed. ( npm i...
Voice & Video Calling and Text Chat App for React Native - cometchat/cometchat-sample-app-react-native
Explore the Upload Widget React app on GitHub. Open the code explorer. Note Due to CORS issues with StackBlitz, you may have errors opening the widget with the preview. Try opening the preview in a new tab to resolve this or use the GitHub link below to run locally. Product Gallery Wid...
Chaining prompts and native functions Giving your AI memories Create AI plugins Deploy Semantic Kernel Run sample apps Overview Required Local Service Simple Chat Summary Book Creator Authentication and APIs GitHub Repo Q&A Bot Copilot Chat Sample App Visual Studio Code tools Get Support Using AI resp...
In-App Purchases Archived Sample Code Cordova Sample Code Location Kit Archived Sample Code For Android Studio Sample Code For Eclipse Sample Code For React Native Sample Code For Cordova Sample Code For Xamarin Map Kit Archived Android Sample Code ...
在GitHub 上尋找此範例的專案。 您可以在個別的分支中找到目前處於公開預覽狀態的範例版本,例如 Teams Interop 和通話錄製。 概觀 此範例同時包含用戶端應用程式和伺服器端應用程式。 用戶端應用程式是使用 Microsoft Fluent UI 架構的 React/Redux Web 應用程式。 此應用程式會將要求傳送至 ASP.NET Core 的伺服器...
In-App Purchases Archived Sample Code Cordova Sample Code Location Kit Archived Sample Code For Android Studio Sample Code For Eclipse Sample Code For React Native Sample Code For Cordova Sample Code For Xamarin Map Kit Archived Android Sample Code React Native Sample Code Xamarin...
playerRef.nativeElement, { cloud_name: 'demo', secure: true, controls: true, ...this.playerConfig, }); this.player.source({ publicId: this.publicId, ...this.sourceConfig }); } } And here's an example of the code to add that component with some configuration: React <cld-video-...
WhatsApp 作业路由器 常见方案 隐私和合规性 安全性 人工智能 (AI) 服务限制 疑难解答 帮助和支持选项 快速入门 短信 语音和视频 聊天 电话呼叫 电子邮件 作业路由器 高级消息传送 托管标识 事件和通知 教程 示例 语音和视频 出色呼叫示例 Xamarin 通话示例 React Native 通话示例 MAUI 调用示例 Web 调用示例 Web...
Open this project in GitHub Codespaces On theCreate codespacepage, review the codespace configuration settings and then selectCreate new codespace Wait for the codespace to start. This startup process can take a few minutes. In the terminal at the bottom of the screen, sign in to Azure with...