Socio-Demographic and Sexual History Questionnaire. The participants were asked about their gender, age (in years), nationality, educational level, socioeconomic level, professed religion, if they have friendship or pairing with an LGBT person and if they know an LGBT person. Kinsey Scale (Kinsey...
Ismail, Shamsudin, and Chowdhury (2012) determined the effects of pull and push motivations on women entrepreneurs by using a 5 li Likert scale, by survey study. The questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part of the survey consists of 9 phrases that measure the motivation factors ...
The questionnaire consists of 13 questions. Three questions assess the behavior related to added salt: use of salt in meal preparation, discretionary use of table salt, and consumption of processed foods with high salt content, using a 5-point Likert scale (“always”, “often”, “often”, ...
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Once eligibility was confirmed and consent obtained, participants were instructed to complete the demographic questionnaire and the MEDI instrument. The entire process typically required 20 min to complete. Participation in the study was voluntary, anonymous, and did not involve any monetary compensation....
The Young Positive Schema Questionnaire (YPSQ) measures early adaptive schemas (EAS) which could be used to develop positive psychology and schema-based in
The exclusion criterion was the inability to complete the questionnaire due to comprehension difficulties or intellectual deficits. Additionally, individuals who reported self-harm with suicidal intent were excluded from the research if they were in the NSSI group. A total of 391 patients were ...
Need help choosing your sample size? From expert sampling design to surveying your target market, SurveyMonkey Audience gets you reliable market insights, fast. Learn more Ready to get started? Sign up free
However, the response to my individual items on the questionnaire are skewed. Can I still use Mplus to perform EFA for such data? Also, what is the thumb rule to calculate efficient sample size for a scale of 20 items. Thanks, Bijal Linda K. Muthen posted on Monday, June 18, 2007...
The participants required 25 min on average to complete the questionnaire. The response rate for this survey was about 90%. Most of the participants in this study, 58.5%, were females, with the remaining 41.5% males. The participants averaged 20.95 years of age (SD = 2.01; range = 18–...