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Master’s thesis. (2023) Google Scholar [23] M. Lahtinen, C. Sundman-Digert, K. Reijula Psychosocial work environment and indoor air problems: a questionnaire as a means of problem diagnosis ...
Methods: Self-administered questionnaire at a gay community social event. Results: Men who use gay men’s sex venues differ from non-users in relation to their age, the number of casual sexual partners they have, their openness about their sexuality and their comfort with sexualised spaces. ...
Hogue, C. RBureau of the CensusZamperini, BLee, CHogue, C., Zamperini, B., and Lee, C. (2012). Bridge Report for the Introduction of the New Sample Design and Questionnaire for the Local Nonproperty Component of the Quarterly Summary of State and Local Tax Revenues. Governments Division...
Dietary intake was assessed using a FFQ known as the Dietary Questionnaire for Epidemiological Studies (DQES), version 2 [28]. The DQES was included as part of Survey 3 and Survey 7 only, collected in 2001 and 2013, respectively, from all participants. The DQES asked respondents to report...
Customers were asked to complete a questionnaire relating to their own vehicle. They were asked questions relating to their attitudes on vehicle prestige (brand by another name), perform- ance, convenience, family friendliness, noise quality and cost. Although there was scatter in the results ...
Attitudes serve as guides for behavior and are another of the input factors that crews bring to the flightdeck. The Cockpit management attitudes questionnaire (CMAQ, Helmreich, 1984; Helmreich, Wilhelm, & Gregorich, 1988) is a 25-item, Likert-scaled battery that allows quantification of attitudes...
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HRQoL was measured by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30, a specific questionnaire for cancer patients [9], and the SOC, spirituality and religious coping were measured by standardized scales. Additionally, we discuss the predictors of HRQoL dimensions at...