1. 直接查看Github上面的Sample Sample in GitHub:点击打开链接 2. FQ下载(个人倾向于下载) 需要FQ工具 goagent goagent在windows下的安装教程 网址:goagent安装教程 注意:如上传时出现 ,请使用免费Vpn上传!需要以管理员身份运行uploader.bat 2.goagent安装成功后 : File->settings->HTTP Proxy 设置 打开<goagent...
Paste_Image.png 设置之后在重新import 就可以了。 Paste_Image.png 在此记录一下。 有些同学反应配置了翻墙也import失败,这种情况应该是配置的有问题,可以在Automatic proxy configruation URL 配置一个翻墙用的pac文件就可以了。 如果实在导入不了,就只能去sdk中下载了,或者去https://developer.android.com/sampl...
Android Studio Profiler的CPU Profiler下的Sample C/C++ Functions功能(注:为命令行工具simpleperf的GUI版本),来跟踪各个线程的C/C++函数使用CPU的情况。 根据Profile信息来确定哪些C/C++函数在被频繁地调用,以优化相应代码来降低线程对CPU的占用。下文使用Android Studio 4.2.1来说明该功能。 实时显示App及各线程上的...
Android Studio If you are using Android Studio, you can choose to use the Java or Kotlin sample code as you need to implement the functions of signing in with a HUAWEI ID in authorization code or ID token mode and signing out of a HUAWEI ID. ...
This sample shows you how a provide a context-sensitive ShareActionProvider with ActionBarCompat, backwards compatible to API v7. Getting Started This sample uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the "gradlew build" command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio. ...
Currently, sample projects for the Unity engine, Unreal Engine, Cocos2d engine, Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and web are provided. Which version of Visual Studio should I use to open the GME sample project for Windows? Please open with VS2015. Downgrade then project if you need VS2010. ...
Was trying to run the default/sample main.dart in Android Studio. I have previously run tutorials from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSIhiZ5jRB0&t=559s suddenly everything started to error. Removed all projects started again. ...
Hi team,in the DevBlogs article "Get Started with Flutter on Surface Duo"' step 2 containts the following task: This code should go right below the...
In another instance of your CLI also in theGraphRNSampledirectory, run one of the following commands: To run on an iOS Simulator:npm run ios To run on an Android virtual device:npm run android(start an Android virtual device from Android Studio first) ...
The HwAREngineDemo program demonstrates how to use HUAWEI AR Engine. For more development details, please refer to the following link:HUAWEI AR Engine Getting Started Register aHUAWEI account. Check whether the Android studio development environment is ready. Open the sample code project directory wi...