And the whole building rocked with prayer and song. 许多老人过来跪在我们周围祈祷,她们有着乌黑的脸和辫子的老妇人,老人,双手粗糙。教堂唱起了一首歌,歌颂着低级的灯火,一些可怜的罪人要被拯救。整个建筑摇晃着祈祷和歌声。 Still I kept waiting to see Jesus. 我仍然在等着见耶稣。 Finally, all the ...
While a Catholic ceremony follows many of the same rituals of any wedding, it includes scripture readings and a sermon by the priest. You can personalize the ceremony by asking family members or friends to perform the readings or participate in other aspects of the service. Entrance rite Everyon...
Agreatmanyoldpeoplecameandkneltaroundusandprayed,oldwomenwithjet-blackfacesandbraidedhair,oldmen,withwork-gnarledhands.Andthechurchsangasongaboutthelowerlightsareburning,somepoorsinnerstobesaved.Andthewholebuildingrockedwithprayerandsong. 许多老人过来跪在我们周围祈祷,她们有着乌黑的脸和辫子的老妇人,老人,双手...
The person who was leading the prayer meeting was the same woman who had became so emotional on the plane! She looked at me, screamed, started to cry, and all the while tried to explain to us that she had been praying for us to find them. She had already known on the plane that ...
And the whole building rocked with prayer and song. 许多老人过来跪在我们周围祈祷,她们有着乌黑的脸和辫子的老妇人,老人,双手粗糙。教堂唱起了一首歌,歌颂着低级的灯火,一些可怜的罪人要被拯救。整个建筑摇晃着祈祷和歌声。 Still I kept waiting to see Jesus. 我仍然在等着见耶稣。 Finally, all the ...