This is not an official PowerShell Script. We designed it specifically for the situation you have encountered right now. Please do not modify or change any preset parameters. Please note that we will not be able to support the script if it's changed or altered in any way...
PowerShell powerShellCommand = PowerShell.Create(); powerShellCommand.AddScript(script); powerShellCommand.Runspace = this.runspace; try { Collection<PSObject> results = powerShellCommand.Invoke(); // Display the results. foreach (PSObject result in results) { Console.WriteLine(result); } // ...
automated environment you would want to put this into a .ps1 script that accepts parameters (seeherefor an example). However, you may find the method below good for learning and experimenting. Replace all the “YOURxyz” sections with your actual information. Beware of oddities introduce...
From where you extracted the files, Import the module into your PowerShell SessionNote:Please do not use the ISE to run this sample Import-module.\IdentityProtectionTools.psd1 Running the sample Connect to the MS Graph endpoint with the proper permission scopes. ...
Run the script by using the following syntax: PowerShell Copy & "<file path>\RunCmdletOnMultipleTenants.ps1" "<file path>\inputfile.csv" Here's an example: PowerShell Copy & "c:\scripts\RunCmdletOnMultipleTenants.ps1" "c:\scripts\inputfile.csv" Each tenant will ...
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@sal", SQLServerDbType.Int, 15, "SAL"); updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@job", SQLServerDbType.VarChar, 9, "JOB"); updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@empno", SQLServerDbType.Int, 15, "empno"); DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet("emp"); adapter.Fill(myDataSet, "emp...
Version 1.9: New PowerShell example script demonstrating removal of duplicate endpoints using EMA's APIs. New PowerShell snippet demonstrating an automated check for a newer version of Intel EMA. Version 1.10: New PowerShell snippet demonstrates method to detect that the local Inte...
Your workspace ID can be used to here to allow the script to pair your parameter file(s) to your connected workspace. Default specific parameter file: the parameter file is named ".parameters.json", at the same folder as the content file ".json". If neither of the two above mapping ...
PowerShell Script Sample: Backup & Restore on Windows Azure Iaas Backup and Restore is critical to operate real world systems. In this article I will walk you through the process to backup and restore Windows Server system disk from a VM running in the…...
Sample: RemoveCacheHost Script To use the RemoveCacheHost script, first copy the contents of the following Windows PowerShell script to a text file, and save the file as RemoveCacheHost.ps1. Then review the information following the script to understand how to customize and run the script. ...