Match your answer tothe job description.If you see one adjective come up a lot in the job description, try to use it or a synonym. You get bonus points if your personality traits naturally align well with the position. Don’t try too hard to jam keywords into your response, but indicat...
接收IMFSample介面的指標或NULL值, (請參閱) 。 如果此參數收到非NULL指標,則呼叫端必須釋放介面。 傳回值 方法會傳回HRESULT。 可能的值包括 (但不限於) 下表中的這些值。 傳回碼Description S_OK 此方法已成功。 MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST 無效的要求 ...
position will be processed under 5 C.F.R. Part 511,Subpart F. 6.2 Employees or their designated representative may filean appealwith OPM to challenge either the appropriateness of theoccupational seriesor grade ofthe employee’s position or the inclusion under orexclusion oftheir position from...
"typeDescription":"AuthorizationRequest", "requestType":"GiftCard", "cardNumber":"1234567890123456", "emailAddress":"", "merchantId":"AUTHMERCH#PT34", "compCurrency":"USD", "vendCurrency":"400 ", "vendPaymentMethod":"EXT34", "ecommerceIndicator":"true", "useTok...
接收IMFSample介面的指標或NULL值, (請參閱) 。 如果此參數收到非NULL指標,則呼叫端必須釋放介面。 傳回值 方法會傳回HRESULT。 可能的值包括 (但不限於) 下表中的這些值。 傳回碼Description S_OK 此方法已成功。 MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST 無效的要求 ...
"typeDescription":"AuthorizationRequest", "requestType":"GiftCard", "cardNumber":"1234567890123456", "emailAddress":"", "merchantId":"AUTHMERCH#PT34", "compCurrency":"USD", "vendCurrency":"400 ", "vendPaymentMethod":"EXT34", "ecommerceIndicator":"true", "useTok...