contact information is addedat the endof the Privacy Policy and contains a physical (street) address, email address, and/or phone number. The more contact information that you can provide, the better.
A Privacy Policy is an important legal document that lets users understand the various ways a website might be collecting personal information. The purpose of a Privacy Policy is to inform users of your data collection practices in order to protect the customer's privacy. Your Privacy Policy sho...
Without a Shipping Policy, it may take your customers too long to figure out shipping costs, carriers you use, or how long a shipment will take to reach them. If this is the case, many customers will decide not to go through with a purchase and may go to a competitor who has a clea...
Sample Document TemplateDIO Cable
If your website or mobile app uses Google Analytics, you definitely need to have a Privacy Policy. This article breaks down this requirement both legally and from Google, and explains how you can comply. We've also put together a Sample Google...
I see many companies that follow the Test Strategy template very strictly. Even without a standard template, you can keep this Test Strategy document simple but still effective. Test Strategy Vs. Test Plan Over the years, I have seen a lot of confusion between these two documents. So let’...
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Template files used to create new documents and documents with sample content - ONLYOFFICE/document-templates
Unity.Rpc; public class GetLatestBlockVanillaNethereum : MonoBehaviour { private static bool TrustCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate x509Certificate, X509Chain x509Chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { // all certificates are accepted return true; } public string Url = "http://localhost:...
<!-- SampleXSLTApplicatorConverterFeatureElement.xml--!> - <Elements xmlns=""> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <DocumentConverter Id="{8E5A71E8-950E-474f-9946-EEF46B3D6600}" Name="Sample XSLT applicator" App="Microsoft.SDK.SharePointSe...