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Chicago/Turabian Style Zhao, Jing, Sanying Feng, and Yuping Hu. 2022. "Two-Sample Hypothesis Test for Functional Data" Mathematics 10, no. 21: 4060. APA Style Zhao, J., Feng, S., & Hu, Y. (2022). Two-Sample Hypothesis Test for Functional Data...
Chicago/Turabian Style Zhou, Lizhen, Lu Yang, Deqian Fu, and Gongping Yang. 2022. "SIFT-Flow-Based Virtual Sample Generation for Single-Sample Finger Vein Recognition" Electronics 11, no. 20: 3382. APA Style Zhou, L., Yang, L., Fu, D., ...
Since we’re here to learn how to format an essay, we’ve pointed out some important things about the paper to help you write a correctly formatted essay. For starters, the essay is in MLA format. That means it follows the style manual of the Modern Language Association, which tells you...
In this paper, we develop and study a novel testing procedure that has more a powerful ability to detect mean difference for functional data. In general, it includes two stages: first, splitting the sample into two parts and selecting principle components adaptively based on the first half-sampl...
Chicago/Turabian Style van Duin, Claire, Andreas Heinz, and Helmut Willems. 2021. "Predictors of Problematic Social Media Use in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents in Luxembourg" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 22: 11878.
Open AccessFeature PaperArticle by Natalia Sánchez-Lamadrid 1 , María del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes 2,3,* , Nieves Moyano 4 and Reina Granados 5 1 Department of Psychology and Sociology, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Zaragoza, 44003 Teruel, Spain ...
Chicago/Turabian Style Qin, Jing, Tong Liu, Zumin Wang, Lu Liu, and Hui Fang. 2022. "GCT-UNET: U-Net Image Segmentation Model for a Small Sample of Adherent Bone Marrow Cells Based on a Gated Channel Transform Module" Electronics 11, no. 22: 3755.
Chicago/Turabian Style Wang, Yingbin, Weiwei Wang, Yuexin Chen, Xinyu Su, Jinming Chen, Wenhai Yang, Qiyue Li, and Chongdi Duan. 2024. "Effective Sample Selection and Enhancement of Long Short-Term Dependencies in Signal Detection: HDC-Inception and Hybrid CE Loss" Electronics 13, no. 16:...
Chicago/Turabian Style Stephenson, Rob, Stephen P. Sullivan, Renee A. Pitter, Alexis S. Hunter, and Tanaka MD Chavanduka. 2021. "COVID-19 Pandemic Optimism and Vaccine Willingness among an Online Sample of US Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men" Vaccines 9, no. 7: 745...