The term “social representation” was first coined by Moscovici (1961), and this concept has a history of over 60 years. Social representations (SRs) are defined as a “system of values, ideas, and practices with a twofold function; first, to establish an order which will enable individuals...
For more information on the syntax of filtering by range, see theguide to range filters. The API request looks like this:$filter=rating gt 2 and rating lt 5 ...
{"@odata.type":"#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.MergeSkill","description":"Create merged_text, which includes all the textual representation of each image inserted at the right location in the content field.","context":"/document","insertPreTag":" ","insertPostTag":" ","inputs": [ {"name":...
However, this kind of special textual data has seldom been analyzed and used for supporting LC map validation. This paper examines the potential of geo-tagged web texts as a new cost-free sample data source to assist LC map validation and proposes an active data collection approach. The ...
The concept of saturation was developed byGlaser and Strauss (1967)as ‘theoretical saturation’and was part of their influential grounded theory approach to qualitative research. Grounded theory focuses on developing sociological theory from textual data to explain social phenomena. Within this approach,...
In my last post I mentioned the enhanced memory dumping we've added to SQL Server 2008. Along with the dump file, we create a text file that has additional information that will help in debugging the issue. I thought I'd include a sample of it, here. System Info # SSIS Textual Du...
of data,suchas samplesurveys and administrative registers, should be fully utilized to meet [...] 应充分利用诸如抽样调查和行政登记册之类的补充数据来源, 收集下列工作所需的许多数据:针对残疾对发展政策与方案和对残疾人所生的影 ...
In the code snippet the 'LocalDataProperty' refers to the country reference and maps it to the 'country_code' property of the 'Regions' entity, which is the target of the value help.The value help itself is annotated on the property within the assignment entity. This is also the target ...
Detect and identify hundreds of sounds by using a trained classifier. iOSMac Catalyst View code Locating and Displaying Recognized Text Configure and perform text recognition on images to identify their textual content. macOS View code Photos & Camera ...
We access the textual value of that control by using the statement: objRange.Text = "My favorite color is " & value & ".". The statement places the value in a variable and then adds it to the document using the Range object.