Having identified the three micro-foundations of business model innovation as a dynamic capability (process orchestration, learning, and deployment) in Chap. 4, the focus of the theoretical sample, outlined in this chapter, is on unravelling the managerial and organisational activities forming the ...
Aquaculture 2000 was an event that witnessed close to 400 reports of recent research findings. Here is only a small sample. Genetics To Help Solve Proliferative Gill Disease (PGD) In Channel Catfish. Brian Bosworth and his associates at the USDA-ARSlab in Stoneville, Mississippi noted that PGD...
Together, further research is required to examine the factor structure of the CES-D 8 among adolescents in different countries. Therefore, the first goal of our study is to examine the factor structure of the CES-D 8 among adolescents based on a Chinese sample. Gender differences in adolescent...
(s), a summary of any plans for future research use (if the PI is seeking renewal), any violations of the terms of access described within this Agreement and the implemented remediation, and information on any downstream intellectual property generated from the data. The PI also may include ...
In this study, we employed a two-sample MR framework to extensively investigate the causal effects of gut microbiota on infertility using summary data from genome-wide association study (GWAS). The primary objective of this research is to elucidate the underlying etiology of infertility related to ...
In particular, while the well-being of many caregivers has been affected by the pandemic stress, this effect was greater among parents, and particularly mothers, who have also experienced prior adversity (Wade et al., 2021). These findings are consistent with previous research on the effects of...
Speech consists of a continuous stream of acoustic signals, yet humans can segment words and other constituents from each other with astonishing precision. The acoustic properties that support this process are not well understood and remain understudied
Research Findings: The purpose of the current study was to (a) evaluate the internal consistency of the 7 scales of the Parent Reading Belief Inventory (PRBI), (b) assess the factor structure, and (c) examine concurrent validity in a sample of Mexican American mothers from low-income homes...
proportion of 15.4% (95% confidence interval, 6.7% to 24.1%). These findings may inform prevention strategies and interventions directed towards relative carbohydrate intake and depression. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals...
Results GWAS summary data were available for a combined sample size of 611 583 adult participants. Mendelian randomization evidence suggested a protective relationship between accelerometer-based activity and MDD (odds ratio [OR], 0.74 for MDD per 1-SD increase in mean acceleration; 95% CI, ...