You can also use your T&C toinform users about trademarks, design rights and other intellectual property rights: If you operate a SaaS app, a "Termination clause" will be very important. The relationship with your customers can end for any number of reasons, from a customer changing careers t...
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that ...
A limitation of liability clauseprotects your company's interests. It prevents your users from suing you in excess of a specific amount(which you determine). There's a related clause, known as an"exclusion of liability."This prevents your users from suing you at all. Generally speaking, howev...
confirm the suspension by selecting Submit Suspension. The web application is setting the theisRevokedproperty to true in the content approval. This is the auditable way to pause a deployment and will automatically populate the revokedBy and revokedDateTime properties. To resume offering the content,...
ok i get it. I think u can do that more efficiently by this instead of doing env stuff. con.ts import { Connection, createConnection } from "typeorm" let conn: Connection | null = null export async function setupConn(drop = false) { ...
Provides an end-to-end sample to show how to write a camera application using the Windows.Media.Capture API in conjunction with orientation sensors to cover the functions that most camera apps will require. Note:This sample is part of a large collection of UWP feature samples. You can downloa...
()TArray<float>LanePointProgressions;// All the lane links, referred by lanes.UPROPERTY()TArray<FZoneLaneLinkData>LaneLinks;// Bounding box of all zones.UPROPERTY()FBoxBounds=FBox(ForceInit);// BV-Tree of ZonesUPROPERTY()FZoneGraphBVTreeZoneBVTree;// The handle that this storage represents, ...
The RichTextBox.Xaml property is used for this. The following code shows how the XAML is displayed by using the Xaml property. VB Copy 'Set the xamlTb TextBox with the current XAML of the RichTextBox and make it visible. Any changes to the XAML made 'in xamlTb is also reflected ...
First, at maximum opacity, the Interval property offadeTimeris changed to the value offadePauseInterval, which is 2000 msecs by default. During this pause, the screen will not refresh automatically, so you must explicitly callRefresh()in response to events that update the screen, such asKeyDown...
To enable scaling in the Premium Function app currently you have to toggle a property on the Function app. You can use the Azure Portal to toggle the Runtime Scale Monitoring setting under Function runtime settings You can now deploy your locally created Function app to the app...