survey of the Real Property. Borrower shall bear all costs relating to each survey. Each survey must be prepared and certified by a professional engineer or registered land surveyor satisfactory to Le...
Why doessample sizefor different questions vary in the same survey? 为什麽在同一项调查中,不同题目有不同样本数目? 互联网 In strength property experiment, thesample sizeis 150×15×5 mm. 在强度实验中试件尺寸采用150×15×5毫米. 互联网
Person and Property. A. If, in the absence of a teacher, it is necessary for an administrator or designee to search a teacher’s desk, locker, or files to find necessary materials or information, the teacher shall be notified of the search and the reason thereof upon returning to work. ...
A biased sample is one in which the items selected share some property which influences their distribution, while a random sample is devised to avoid any such interference so that its distribution is affected only by, and so can be held to represent, that of the whole population. See also ...
SurveyMonkeyhas included sections in its Terms of Use that outlines what happens in the event of termination of service by either party. First, here's how users can terminate accounts and what the result of this will be: And here's how the company retains the right to terminate accounts, ...
We present the effectiveness of the developed integrated approaches, Sampling Based Progressive Hedging Algorithm (SBPHA) and Discarding SBPHA (d-SBPHA), over the pure strategies (i.e. SAA). The validation of the methods is demonstrated through two-stage stochastic CRFLP. Promising results are ...
Little is known about the prevalence and nature of paraphilic interests in the Hong Kong young adult population. This study explores the psychosocial facto
PropertyId The unique identifier of a property. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Sample SampleMethodTypeId The unique identifier of a sample method type. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Sample DrillHoleId The unique identifier of a drill hole. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Sample GeologicalSurveyId The uniq...
Surveys and Tests. Within thirty-five (35) days after the Effective Date of this Contract, Buyer may conduct an engineering survey and feasibility study of the property including any inspections, envi...
Dairy Property. The property owned by Xxxxxx which will be accessible to BPT for the purpose of performing the tasks required by this Agreement, a sketch of which is included in Exhibit "B."