Postdated Cheques. Unless the Landlord advises otherwise in writing, the Tenant shall provide to the Landlord on or before the Commencement Date and thereafter on or before the beginning of each Fiscal Year during the Term, postdated cheques in the amount of Rent for each month during that ...
ofeachcalendar monthplus a pro-rated amount for the month in which the Closing Date occurs. The Purchaser shallprovide theVendor with a reasonable number (as determinedby the Vendorin itssole discretion) of post-dated cheques for the Occupancy Fee, except for the pro-rated Occupancy Fee for ...
We earnestly acknowledge your payment of Rs. XXXXX, which we received from you through cheque no: CXCXCX dated (date) for the recompense of your withstanding amount for the last month’s deal with our company. With the payment of Rs. XXXXX, we would like to inform that you have paid al...
Report Title/Amount Paid: The Importance of Bio Engineering and Stem Cell Research For Creating Pharmaceutical Medicines/ $60,000 only. Mode through Which Report/Payment Sent: Delivered via Blue Hill Couriers (tracking number 980754, consignment sent on 11-10-2014/Cheque (Number 5467 drawn on Can...
I am extremely thankful to you and Ms. Rose for taking such good care of my child and making him feel at home. Please find attached with this letter a cheque of amount $300, dated 23.05.2018 as a token of appreciation for your good services. I once again recognize your dedication and...
(including the cash float at each of the Premises), amounts on deposit in bank accounts, amounts held in trust for or on behalf of Seller, cheques, credit card receipts and other cash equivalents and marketable securities, including cash on hand of Seller, collected as GST, provincial ...
complete the contract termination and check out process in section 1.12. Please note that the following terms apply to all fees and payments required by Student Housing and Community Services (i.e.: residence fees, activities/programs, assessments, et cetera): • Post-dated cheques will not ...
Please note that the following terms apply to all fees and payments required by Student Housing and Community Services (i.e.: residence fees, activities/programs, assessments, et cetera): • Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. • A $35 service charge will be levied on all cheques...
other than the first (1st) day of the month,the Tenant shallpay its rent prorated forthe perioduntil the first (1st) day of the following month at which time the regularRent paymentshall be made. The tenant shallprovide theLandlord with 12postdated chequesat thebeginning ofeach termforthe ...
of the Oaks Owners’ Committee of a series of monthly post- dated cheques for the Owner's Proportionate Share of the estimated Common Expenses foreach year. The Owners' payments are to be held by the Treasurerfor the benefit ofthe Internal Driveway and Parking, the Internal W alkways and...