Here, at SOF Olympiad Trainer, Logical Reasoning Sample Papers have been provided for all classes 1 to 10. As sample papers are of utmost importance for the preparation of any exam, these papers have been designed by our very own subject experts and they contain all the sections of the ...
Explanation: On logical interpretation of the given statements one can arrive at the following conclusion: A>B>E>D>C in order of decreasing weight. Hence C is the lightest of all the given fishes. In the above problem, E is lighter in weight than which of the following pairs? (i) B,...
There is a range of different aptitude tests, each assessing a different skill or competency. The most widely used aptitude tests are numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, and situational judgement.Typically, no prior knowledge is needed to complete psychometric tests. But ...
Even though spending too much on leisure activity can be considered an extravaganza of luxury, the index of happiness conspicuously surges ahead with the utility of such actions that apparently make life more meaningful and romantic for which the lives of Europeans are mention-worthy since they are...
GED Reasoning Through Language Arts Test These GED Practice Exams are 25 queries long roughly half the length of the actual GED test day but will give you a good idea of where you’ll score on the real thing. This online testingcourse is designed to improve your exam prepskills so you’...
logi (Logical Reasoning Skills)The raw data thus collected are in this Googlesheet, partly shown below. Note that a couple of scores are missing due to illness and unknown reasons.Null HypothesisWe'll try to demonstrate that our students have low IQ scores by rejecting the null hypothesis that...
Check out some of the best books of FDDI AIST 2025 for M.Des and MBA courses: Subject Best Books Quantitative Aptitude How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by Pearson Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal ...
Accordingly, the pattern of MAH MBA CET Sample Test offered by and coaching companies is also similar. MAH MBA CET Sample Paper 2025 Pattern MAH CET 2025 Section Number of questions Mark per question Total marks for the section Logical Reasoning 75 1 75 Abstract ...
LSAC offers this PDF file of information onstrategies for taking the LSAT. Inside you'll find 14 sample reading comprehension questions, 8 sample analytical reasoning questions, 9 sample logical reasoning questions, and two examples of writing sample prompts. All of the questions also have answers ...
Normally there are two types of numerical assessments: Mathematical reasoning test and logical reasoning test. Mathematical reasoning tests - Allow Carmax to assess your mathematical abilities. These tests can range from the most basic mathematics to more advanced calculations. JobTestPrep offers a numb...