Ice Breaker When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable...
Ice Breaker When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable...
does a lot of things and you want it on your team. With iron treads you have rocks, spin, and a great steel type. Offensive treads applies a lot of pressure and can keep rocks up for the team thanks to ice spinner threatening things like hydreigon, torn-t, thundy-t, mandi, etc. ...
The team is very offensive and tries to end games as quick as possible, so you're going to need to be smart with positioning your team members. Team Members : The team's primary breaker, Latias' specs Draco Meteor threatens pretty much everything that isn't a Fairy type, specially ...
FN0070 - Excel Function Word Search -- Print out this Excel Function word seach game, and use it as an ice breaker at your next meeting. Everyone loves Excel games! Format: xlsx Macros: No Size: 64 kb Excel File: Instructions: In WorkbookFN...
Ice Breaker When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable...
Ice Breaker When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable...
I chose to run Ice Beam over Clear Smog here because of the multitude of Ice weak Pokemon in the current metagame, namely Latios, Garchomp, and Gliscor. EQuake is run over Earth Power to secure the OHKO on Gengar. DIFFICULT MATCHUPS: SD Chomp + Doom Desire Jirachi: This matchup is ...
Full disclosure a lot of the best games this team had that inspired me to dust off this account and make this post didn't get saved, so these replays aren't all the highest quality, but I've spent a lot of time tweaking this team with players smarter than me (Savouras ) and testin...
Ice Breaker When attendees have had their fill of roasted marshmallows, they can visit the Ice Breaker located close by. This activity is a great way for people to learn more about each other. Attendees can gather around a sphere that, when clicked, asks about a favorite TV show, memorable...