Americans Sample Our Fringe BenefitsDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
inallfringe benefit programsnow or hereafter madeavailable toanyother personsemployed in a similar capacity. 1.6. Company shall reimburse Executive for all travel and businessexpenses incurredby him, which are reasonable andnecessary forcarrying on the business of the Company, and as such are ...
contributions for theirfringe benefitsand trust shall be madeby the Employerin the same mannerand to the same extent as thatapplicable tojourneymancontribution ratesperhour of work. The determined amounts of such wages and contributions shall be set forth in the Wage and Fringe Benefit Addenda for...
If the salary componenttotal packageis applicable for an employee, the employee must also have at least one salary component in their package with the nature of the salary component asRemainder. The reason for this is that the employee'stotal packageis a fixed amount. The s...
described in the attached plans. In addition to salary, the position carries a variety of fringe benefits. Information regarding these benefits will be given to you during your faculty orientation. We anticipate a starting date of (Enter hire date) and an ending date of (enter end date)....
41$11,375.85 EQUIPMENT COST (equipment cost for owned equipment (depreciation, insurance, etc.) or documentation $160.00 (10.00%)$16.00EQUIPMENT TOTAL $176.00$13,251.48 COST BREAKDOWN ** Material Markup MATERIAL TOTAL LME TOTAL ** Equipment Markup CFR/s&s/8-04 Page 2 of 2 38 ...
Some of these benefits‚ such as workers’ compensation‚ social security‚ and unemployment insurance‚ are required by law. The majority of benefits offered to employees‚ however‚ are bestowed at the discretion of the business owner. Such benefits‚ which are commonly called "fringe"... of the significant fringe benefits of the remarkably small size of integrated circuit system is that effective external nuclear radiation shields are now feasible,where weight or cost ruled thern out. 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]
Other Benefits - Employee may be eligible for other fringe benefits as may be provided employees as determined from time to time and at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Section 6 - Governing Law It is agreed that this agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accord...
41$11,375.85 EQUIPMENT COST (equipment cost for owned equipment (depreciation, insurance, etc.) or documentation $160.00 (10.00%)$16.00EQUIPMENT TOTAL $176.00$13,251.48 COST BREAKDOWN ** Material Markup MATERIAL TOTAL LME TOTAL ** Equipment Markup CFR/s&s/8-04 Page 2 of 2 38 ...