Dose-Finding using the Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) Bayesian Approach Tests of Two Means Assuming Equal Variances using a Bayesian Approach Three-Arm Mean Ratio Equivalence Tests for the Mean Ratio in a Three-Arm Trial (Normal Data) Enhancements in PASS 2021 Report Auto-sizing...
Software Administration. County, as a general matter, shall perform all tasks associated with the administration of the Software, other than those that are assigned to Contractor, including without limitation, adding, modifying, removing and otherwise maintaining users, templates, lookups, and logons ...
Examples: ERP software, CRM, databases, and network management software. IPD-Self-Operated Software/Cloud Service Cloud service development, microservice architecture, and self-operated software scenarios, such as public cloud and Internet application software. Select a sample project. On the Create ...
Related to CRM Products Farm Products None of the Collateral constitutes, or is the Proceeds of, Farm Products. Products Products available under this Contract are limited to Software, including Software as a Service, products and related products as specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor ...
together. explore the salesforce portfolio discover the #1 ai crm humans with agents drive customer success together. explore the salesforce portfolio industries back industries automotive back automotive drive a lifetime of loyalty. explore automotive solutions oem dealer/retailers captive software-defined...
Use of the proposed software-as-a-service package requires the following software, hardware, CRM, and automation frameworks: [hardware and software requirements]. Project Lead and Point of Contact The point of contact for this project is [Sender.FirstName][Sender.LastName]: Phone number:[Sender...
CRMe-CRMDirectMailTelemarketingThis paper provides a check list of the types of activities that could form part of an analytical customer relationship management (CRM) road map and provides a high level description of these activities, the potential business impact, implications for implementation and...
Mini CRM project, a challenge from Laravel Daily blog post. testing laravel tdd crud-sample laravel55 Updated Sep 12, 2018 PHP ofaaoficial / php-mvc-pdo-CRUD Star 13 Code Issues Pull requests CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) básico de usuarios en PHP con la arquitecta de ...
This can be particularly useful for event organizers who need to manage large numbers of attendees or who want to integrate their event management system with other software tools. Additionally, with the Event Guests API you can create custom applications that leverage event guest data, such as ...
(the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the ...