Sample of written work/ Writing Sample/ Academic Writing是文科一部分专业必须要求的,它可以是你的一篇论文,也可以是一篇论文的几个精华片段组合形成的文章,或是一份Research Proposal研究计划。这份材料主要是体现你的思考能力、做学术的能力以及写作水平。另外,对于学术的研究角度、思考问题的方式、对问题的理解程度...
留学作业Writing Sample怎么写? Sample of written work/ Writing Sample/ Academic Writing是文科一部分专业必须要求的,它可以是你的一篇论文,也可以是一篇论文的几个精华片段组合形成的文章,或是一份Research Proposal研究计划。这份材料主要是体现你的思考能力、做学术的能力以及写作水平。另外,对于学术的研究角度、...
04、哲学系则要求提交一份约3000词的Writing Sample,应充分展现思维的清晰条理与卓越的批判性分析能力。 尽管内容题材广泛,任何能够深刻体现您逻辑缜密与独立思考的作品均受欢迎,但尤为推荐撰写一篇聚焦哲学概念探讨与论证分析的文章。 哲学系 Department of Philosophy: 哲学硕士Philosophy MA 医学哲学与精神病学硕士Philos...
历史学系Department of History: 早期现代史硕士Early Modern History MA 音乐系Department of Music: 音乐学硕士Music MMus 如何写好Writing Sample 1 选题 选题是基础,学校要求往往会与专业方向有关,就如上面所说KCL不同专业对于是否需要提交Writing Sample...
剑桥的讲师告诉学长 “academic writing is another language,which different from the English, Chinese, and the other languages. ”也就是说,学术写作相当于另一种独立的语言体系,即使native speaker也不是天生就会写学术论文的。 换句话说,学术写作是个技术活。
Writing Sample(以下简称WS),简单来说就是,一篇证明你学术能力的英文论文。对于想要申请海外名校的学生来说,尤其是人文社科类的硕士与博士申请者,WS往往是申请路上的痛点和难点。 根据一些院校网站上的要求是sample of your academic written works,说泛一点,可以是你写过的任何一篇(或数篇,根据要求)学术论文。
Academic Writing Sample Task 1A WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The chart below shows the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three periods and whether they were studying full-time or part-time. Summarise the information by selecting and...
Submit two academic writing samples, each of at least 750 words in length. The samples should be essays actually submitted to recent arts or humanities courses. Ideally, the samples should be originals or clear photocopies of the actual papers that were turned in, showing the course numbers and...
Generally speaking, there are four main areas where differences between standard writing and academic writing can be observed: the inherent objectivity of academic writing, its complexity, its formality of structure and its adoption of academic style. It is almost impossible to define good academic ...
关于米国申请中需要的writing sample,首先说一下他指的是什么,根据一些院校网站上的要求是sample of your academic written works,说泛一点,可以是你写过的任何一篇(或数篇,根据要求)学术论文。偶在和自己申请08fall的同学聊到WS写什么东西的时候,给他列了几个选择,也是给大家的一些建议: 第一类,中文期刊、学位论...