第一种: Literature(文献)+Reflection of one's own experience and practice(亲身经历与反思)+Implications(影响),即从文献理论出发来谈谈某一方面的学术研究,然后结合自身的经历实践,批判性地分析、得出结论并对未来进行展望; 第二种: Develop a research proposal(将你RP中的内容进行扩展),尽量通过你的RP让学校认...
Chapter 15 : Writing Research Proposals Sample Research Proposal # 2 ( used with permission )Prospectus, A
如果你留意一下美国大学的网站,不难发现,疫情这两年,不少名校都在改写其录取法则。 常青藤名校宾夕法尼亚大学,明确指出,其本科新生中有1/3在高中阶段就有学术研究经历(academic research)。对本科生录取要求如此,更不用说申请研究生了 01 学术能力的强有力证明 相比于国内,国外名牌院校更强调学术研究 研究生通常...
If you find our code or models useful for your research, please cite it as: @inproceedings{nachmani2020voice, title={Voice Separation with an Unknown Number of Multiple Speakers}, author={Nachmani, Eliya and Adi, Yossi and Wolf, Lior}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th international conferen...
Many studies conducted in health and social sciences collect individual level data as outcome measures. Usually, such data have a hierarchical structure, with patients clustered within physicians, and physicians clustered within practices. Large survey d
aThe research team interviewed a national sample of 1.03 1 adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health.People without a high school diploma reported stress on 30 percent of the study days,people with a high school degree reported stress 38 percent of the time,and people ...
saturation had not been empirically assessed with different types of qualitative data. A growing interest in empirical assessment of saturation has now generated a body of research on the topic, making it an opportune time to synthesize it and identify what we can learn from it. Thissystematic re...
Answer:Most of the time, a reflective essay doesn't have references because it is based on your own observations and experiences. However, if you are going to refer to some research or an article, you should include that by using the name of the person and the title of the article, or...
(题目字体Times New Roman,字号三号 ,加粗,居中,) S. Gregory Jones* a , Titania A. R. Schmidt b , Kenneth M. Suzuki a (作者名字字体Times New Roman,字号小四,居中) a Nation’s Research Laboratory, 345 Photon Drive, Los Angeles, CA, USA 95555-0345; b Dept. of Optics, Central Univ./...
Conducted market research, prepared financial report, and formulated marketing strategies, which generated $ 3.5 million in sales. Enhanced sales figure to $ 5 million over the previous year sales figure of $2 million. Organized national and regional trade and road shows for brand visibility and sa...