Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in adolescence: report from BAMSE--a population-based birth cohort. BAMSE is a Swedish population-based birth cohort.To estimate prevalence proportions and the incidence rate of hand eczema in Swedish adolescents, and to compare information given by adolescents...
Identifying distinctive psychological symptom profiles among a nationally representative sample of refugees resettled in Australia Objective: The number of refugees worldwide is unprecedented in recent history. Little is known, however, about profiles of psychological symptoms followin... A Nickerson,D Had...
Finally, given the known links between general psychological distress and self-reported PPU, we also sought to examine how symptoms of depression and anxiety progressed over the course of the pandemic and how they related to pornography use in general and self-reported PPU. Given that a number ...
TheWindows.Globalization.NumberFormattingnamespace provides number formatting and parsing APIs that generate strings for display that respect either the current user's preferences, or a caller-specified language(s) and region. There are individual methods for formatting or parsing numbers in the form of...
02/17/2025 This sample demonstrates how to send and receive message by Azure Event Hubs and Spring Cloud Stream Binder Kafka in Spring Boot application. Azure Java Add Add to Collections Add to plan 1 2 3 4 ... 10 4,321 resultsEnglish...
The expansion of legal rights to same-sex couples is afoot in a number of Western countries. The effects of this rollout are not only important in their own right but can also provide a window on the institution of marriage and the right... L Edlund,M Muellersmith,JD Iceland,... - 《...
There is a notable gap between heterosexual men and women in frequency of orgasm during sex. Little is known, however, about sexual orientation differences
Background: Limited research has examined associations of sexual minority status with the prevalence of health outcomes/behaviors affecting US male college students. Purpose: To investigate the association between sexual minority status, defined by both sexual identity and behavior, and a variety of beha...
We would like you to send us a sample copy as soon as possible. 我们希望你们能尽快寄给我们一份样品。 9. Does the sample copy have any problems? 样带的质量应该没有问题吧。 10. NUMBER OF SAMPLE COPY OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 送样数量承认书份数 1...
Find the number of log entries for each service, event type, and AWS Region. stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, awsRegion Find the Amazon EC2 hosts that were started or stopped in a given AWS Region. filter (eventName="StartInstances" or eventName="StopInstances") and awsRegion=...