b.) A copy of the Single Audit Reporting Package, including the associated management letter, which was conducted in accordance with 45 CFR part 75 subpart F or the applicable Audited Financial Statements, shall be forwarded to the Recipient, with a copy provided to the Orange County ...
COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM PARTICIPATIONArkansas' Purchasing Law provides that local public procurement units (counties, municipalities, school districts, certain nonprofit corporations, etc.) may participate in state purchasing contracts. The contractor therefore agrees to sell to Cooperative Purchasing Progr...
What Strategies Are Hospitals Adopting to Address the Opioid Epidemic? Evidence From a National Sample of Nonprofit Hospitalsopioidspolicypublic healthhospitalsAffordable Care ActObjectivesFranz, BerkeleyCronin, Cory E.Pagan, Jose A.Ohio Univ Heritage Coll Osteopath Med Dept Social Med Grosvenor 311 ...
Supervised, planned, and budgeted audit engagements. Prepared financial statements and tax filings. Reported directly to management regarding intemal control, making recommendations for improvement. Recruited, trained, supervised and evaluated staff accountants. Gained experience from a variety of client assign...
Murray, J. (2016, November 18).Financial Statements for Business Plans and Business Startup. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from The Balance : https://www.thebalance.com/financial-statements-business-plans-397551 Ochieng, E., Price, A., & Moore, D. (2013).Management of Global Construction Projec...