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centralized COVID-19 diagnostic testing. In addition, decentralized point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tests also have a role to fulfill. Integrated POC platforms with “Sample-in Answer-out” capability will enable COVID-19 diagnostic capability in doctor’s office and clinics. Such platforms will e...
However, as estimated birth year could misestimate respondents by one year, this transformed variable should be interpreted with caution. Gender. From April 2006 to February 2017 participants reported gender by choosing from a drop-down menu between male, female, and prefer not to answer. It was...
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While it would appear to be advantageous for a main-belt sample return mission inves- tigating Solar System bimodality to return material from both NC- and CC-related bodies this concept may not stand up to more detailed scrutiny during the proposal review process. We already have a very ...
Symbolic play skills in 4–7-year olds has been associated with inhibitory control, but not other aspects of executive function (Kelly, Hammond, Dissanayake, & Ihsen, 2011). A 2013 comprehensive review of the research on pretend play concluded there was “little support” for its improvement ...
Positive social jetlag values reflected a later mid-sleep on free days than on school days.6,31 To determine the source of EDS for the Russian schoolchildren, we analyzed possible links between sleep parameters and PDSS values. Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS ...
Individuals who had recently lost substantial weight of their own initiative completed measures of intentional weight control behaviors and lifestyle behaviors associated with eating. These behaviors were factor analyzed and the resulting factors were examined in relation to BMI, recent weight loss, diet...
Quality of life and toxicity in breast cancer patients using adjuvant TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamid), in comparison with FAC (doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil). Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011;284:215–20. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Lu W, Cui Y, Chen X, Zheng Y...