Signed-likelihood ratio tests (SLRTs) are derived for testing the shape and scale parameters and the mean of a gamma distribution. The properties of the proposed tests are evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation and compared with the other tests available in the literature. SLRTs are also developed...
Signed-likelihood ratio tests (SLRTs) are derived for testing the shape and scale parameters and the mean of a gamma distribution. The properties of the proposed tests are evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation and compared with the other tests available in the literature. SLRTs are also developed...
Each figure displays estimated coverage probabilities for the Normal, Gamma, Chi Square, Bernstein, GBA, and GBR methods as a function of sample size at particular combinations of [mu] and [theta]. Growth estimators and confidence intervals for the mean of negative binomial random variables with ...
gammadistributionvarianceexactsampleparent arXiv:0704.1415v1[math.ST]11Apr2007ExactDistributionoftheSampleVariancefromaGammaParentDistributionT.RoyenFachhochschuleBingen,UniversityofAppliedSciences,Berlinstrasse109,D–55411Bingen,Germanye-mail:royen@fh-bingen.deAbstractSeveralrepresentationsoftheexactcdfofthesumofsqua...
The mean of the HPDI for the 43 languages ranges mostly between 0.1 and 0.3 on the log scale, which translates to an average effect between 8 ms and 18 ms for a segment 84 ms long (the mean duration of phones in the data). The cross-linguistic distribution provides us with ...
getOutlierProbability(); //translate to ApacheCommons' parametrization of the gamma distribution final double gammaShape = meanBias * meanBias / biasVariance; final double gammaScale = biasVariance / meanBias; final GammaDistribution biasGenerator = new GammaDistribution(rng, gammaShape,...
Increasing the number of cells per individual increases both the expression probability and the eQTL power by shifting the expression mean of the pseudo bulk counts to higher values. Notably, increasing the number of measured cells per individual and increasing the sample size both result in higher...
Nyquist rate- (telecommunication) the lowest sampling rate that will permit accurate reconstruction of a sampled analog signal rate- a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected" ...
cars. The average claim amount can be modeled as having a gamma distribution, using an inverse link function to relate the mean of the dependent variable to a linear combination of the policyholder age, vehicle type, and vehicle age. The number of claims filed can be used as a scaling ...
Fisher later obtained a transformation to z=tanh−1(r), which he showed to have an approximate normal distribution with mean tanh−1(ρ) and variance (N−3)−1. Consequently, the z transformation provides confidence intervals for ρ. The definitive analysis of the distribution of r and...