using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; public class App { private static PerformanceCounter avgCounter64Sample; private static PerformanceCounter avgCounter64SampleBase; public static void Main() {...
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT).apply { // Filter to only show results that can be "opened", such as // a file (as opposed to a list of contacts or timezones). addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) // Create a file with the requested MIME type. type = mimeType...
This sample illustrates providing users with a set of values, selected from another table, in a list box and in a combo box. The value the user chooses is stored in the current table. It is often more convenient for a user to choose from a list of predetermined values, and, of course...
versionNumber "4.3" string semantic version number of the entity is.localized.describedAs Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object. 展開資料表 ParameterValueData typeExplanation localizedDisplayText 展開資料表 languageTagdisplayText en Base entity from which all ESG Data Mo...
usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Collections.Specialized;usingSystem.Diagnostics;publicclassApp{privatestaticPerformanceCounter avgCounter64Sample;privatestaticPerformanceCounter avgCounter64SampleBase;publicstaticvoidMain(){ ArrayList samplesList =newArrayList();// If the c...
It is often more convenient for a user to choose from a list of predetermined values, and, of course, you minimize the risk that the user will mistype a value. Setting a few list box properties is all that is required to provide this capability. For example, the following properties were...
// a file (as opposed to a list of contacts or timezones). addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) // Create a file with the requested MIME type. type = mimeType putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, fileName) } startActivityForResult(intent, WRITE_REQUEST_CODE) ...
After completion of all test cases in all the parallel tests , assertions passed and test executed successfully on .With the video provided for each test , test cases would be verified. Additional Configuration Parameters: Set values to below variables if required , ...
Drive.Changes.List Drive.Changes.Subscribe Drive.Files Overview Drive.Files.Copy Drive.Files.Create Drive.Files.Delete Drive.Files.EmptyRecycle Drive.Files.Get Drive.Files.List Drive.Files.Update Drive.Files.Subscribe Drive.Channels Overview Drive.Channels.Stop Drive.Builder Driv...
Control the draw order of features to match the order of unique values defined in a UniqueValueRendererVisualizationOther Tags 2DMapViewUniqueValueRenderercategoricalorderBysort4.26 Execute Arcade for a custom chart Execute an Arcade expression defined in a webmap to create a custom chartVisualizationOt...