Validity of the Interna- tional Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) question- naire on a sample of prison inmates. Rev Esp Sanid Penit. 2008;10:35A40.Alvaro-Brun, E. and Vegue-Gonzalez, M. (2008) Validity of the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) quest...
The current study draws on interviews conducted with 802 male prison inmates in Texas the week before their release to the community. Inmates were administered the Activism and Radicalism Intention Scale (ARIS), one of the few validated scales in the extremism literature. A series of structural ...
Psychopaths represent a significant management challenge in a prison population. A sample of ninety-five male inmates from three medium security prisons was tested using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV). Using traditional criteria, 22% of the inmates were classified as psycho...
PrisonCrimeRoad safetyRoad traffic accidentPersonality traitsThere is very little information available about the characteristics of drivers convicted for traffic offences. The objective of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of the psychosocial characteristics of Spanish prison inmates convicted ...
Second, our findings revealed that there was more activism than radicalism intentions among prison inmates, although levels of both were comparable to non-institutional populations. Activism and radicalism intentions were positively related, although this correlation was weaker than in prior studies. ...
B., & Tindall, M. S. (2008). The relationship of stress, impulsivity, and beliefs to drug use severity in a sample of women prison inmates. International Journal of Offender Ther- apy and Comparative Criminology, 52, 686-697. doi:10.1177/0306624X07309754...
Coolidge FL, Segal DL, Klebe KJ, Cahill BS, Whitcomb JM. Psychometric properties of the Coolidge Correctional Inventory in a sample of 3,962 prison inmates. Behav Sci Law. 2009;27(5):713-26.Psychometric properties of the Coolidge Correctional Inventory in a sample of 3,962 prison inmates -...
Using traditional criteria, 22% of the inmates were classified as psychopaths. Scores on the two factor dimensions of the PCL:SV were used to develop a four-way classification system. Inmates in each quadrant present unique characteristics, both in terms of personality traits and behavior. ...
(2005). Internal reliability and construct validity of the Novaco Anger Scale-1998-S in a sample of violent prison inmates in Sweden. Psychology: Crime & Law, 11, 223-237. doi:10.1080/10683160500036863Lindqvist, J.K., Daderman, A.M., & Hellstrom, A. (2005). Internal reliability and ...