and at each transfer of Purchased Equity Interest, the relevant Equity Interest Purchase Agreement and to perform their obligations thereunder. Upon execution, this Agreement and each Equity Interest Purchase Agreement will constitute legal, valid
to form a joint venture for the purpose of submitting the pre-qualification Application/ tender document initially and then tender and if successful for the execution of the works as an integrated joint venture. The parties are not, under this agreement, entering into any permanent partnership of...
(a)ThepartiesdonotenterintoanagreementofanypermanentpartnershipofJoint Venturetotenderorundertakeanycontractotherthanthespecifiedabove. (b)Theoperationofthisjointventurefirms,concernsisconfinedtotheworkof preparingDetailedProjectReportofDrinkingWaterSupplySchemeofvarious ...
agreement sample is a comunity-generated index for agreement and contract samples and provides a new and fun way to find agreement samples and share content
agreement sample is a comunity-generated index for agreement and contract samples and provides a new and fun way to find agreement samples and share content
agreement sample is a comunity-generated index for agreement and contract samples and provides a new and fun way to find agreement samples and share content
Agreement and Contract. Article 1 (Objective) The objective of this Agreement is to establish basic conditions under which Seller sells the Products to Buyer and Buyer purchases the same.
No Agency or Partnership. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall give either party the right to bind the other, or be deemed to constitute either party as agent for or partner of the other or any t...
Download this General Business Partnership Agreement template that will perfectly suit your needs! Legal communication is essential to individuals and companies to ensure truthful, accurate information exchange and enable morally-correct decision making. This is important to give consideration on how to ...
4.3 Any agreement restricting the Company’s payment of dividends. 4.4 Any material joint venture, participation, partnership or cooperative agreements to which the Company is a party. 4.5 All material documents relating to any major acquisition, disposition, reorganization or other extraordinary ...