Currently, we need to ensure YAML files are properly linted for consistency and correctness. This includes: Linting the sample files present in the repository. Linting the files scaffolded under dist/chart for the project-v4-with-plugins configuration. We already have a GitHub Action configured for...
You can refer the default values.yaml file to define your own custom values.yaml file for specifying required values and overriding default configurations while installing the Sterling B2B Integrator application using Certified Container.
kubernetes-manifests src devfile.yaml mini-devfile.yaml package-lock.json package.json skaffold.yaml Breadcrumbs nodejs-sample / mini-devfile.yaml Latest commit l0rd Rollback changes to services namesOct 23, 2019 c42ae1e· Oct 23, 2019 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Co...
Kubernetes将集群中的机器划分为一个Master节点和一群工作节点(Node)。 其中,Master节点上运行着集群管理相关的一组进程etcd、API Server、Controller Manager、Scheduler,后三个组件构成了Kubernetes的总控中心,这些进程实现了整个集群的资源管理、Pod调度、弹性伸缩、安全控制、系统监控和纠错等管理功能,并且全都是自动完成...首先我们将基于 来实现 cnat,通过直接使用 client-go 完成。sample-controller 使用 来生成强类型的客户端、Informer、Lister 和深拷贝函数。如果你的自定义控制器中的 API 发生了变化,比如在自定义资源中添加了一个...
Try a sample application that uses Bridge to Kubernetes to develop, debug, and test a Kubernetes application locally in Visual Studio Code.
This sample deployment pulls a container image from a public repository and deploys three replicas (individual Pods) of it to your cluster. To learn more, seeDeploymentsin the Kubernetes documentation. Save the following contents to a file namedeks-sample-deployment.yaml. The containers in the sa...
KubernetesResourceCreateParameters KubernetesResourceCreateParametersExistingEndpoint KubernetesResourceCreateParametersNewEndpoint KubernetesResourcePatchParameters LabelsUpdatedEvent LanguageConfiguration LanguageMetricsSecuredObject LanguageStatistics LastResolutionState LastResultDetails LegacyBuildConfiguration LegacyReleaseReference...
## from a YAML-formatted string in a kubernetes secret ## - in most cases `config.redirectURI` will be set to "https://{DEPLOYKF_HOST}/dex/callback" (if port is 443) ## connectors: [] ## dex OpenID Connect clients ## clients: ## OpenID client for oauth2-proxy (depl...
Kubernetes cluster is just a single node, and it is on NFS master is collocated with Its IP address is and all your folders are created in