packagecom.egeniuss.platform.basic;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.HashMap;importjava.util.Iterator;importjava.util.List;importjava.util.Map;importjava.util.Set;importnet.sf.json.JSONArray;importnet.sf.json.JSONObject;publicclassJSONObjectSample {/*** 创建JSONObject对象 入参map JSON节点为...
Serialize and deserialize JSON objects using the JsonObject class. Serialize and deserialize JSON arrays using the JsonArray class. Serialize and deserialize strings using the JsonValue class. Serialize and deserialize numbers using the JsonValue class. Serialize and deserialize booleans using the Json...
sample object sqlId string SQL ID。 2cd4432556c3dab9d825ba363637*** database string 数据库名。 dbgateway originHost string 执行SQL 的客户端 IP 地址。 172.16.1*** tables array 表数据。 tables string 表名。 meter_*** instanceId string 实例ID。 rm-2ze8g2am97624*** errorCode string ...
Data array<object> 返回的 SQL 样本数据。 sample object 返回数据。 UserId string 用户ID。 196278346919*** InstanceId string 实例ID。 rm-2ze1jdv45i7l6*** NodeId string 节点ID。 说明 RDS MySQL 集群系列或 PolarDB MySQL 版数据库实例才会返回该数据。 r-x***-db-0 LogicId string 逻辑库 ID。
{"$schema":"", } sourceName In thetemplate.jsonfile you should have asourceNameproperty declared. ThesourceNameproperty is special, and should always be declared. When a project is created, either through the command line or Visual Studio, the project will...
-9db1-000d3a320482&$expand=regardingobjectid_contact_task($select=fullname;$expand=parentcustomerid_account($select=name;$expand=createdby($select=fullname))) HTTP/1.1 Prefer: odata.include-annotations="*" OData-MaxVersion: 4.0 OData-Version: 4.0 If-None-Match: null Accept: application/json ...
To ensure that the skill gets the higest quality image as an input, set the following parameters on the configuration object in the indexer parameters. JSON "configuration": {"dataToExtract":"contentAndMetadata","imageAction":"generateNormalizedImages","allowSkillsetToReadFileData":true,"normalized...
SampleTestType.cdm.json/SampleTestType SampleTestTypeId entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references has.schemaObjectIdentifier The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other iden...
the invariants of the Write method dictate that a complete JSON value must be written to the underlying Utf8JsonWriter no matter what -- it does not support writing nothing and signalling to the parent object converter that it should erase the JSON property name that it just wrote (which may...