All caterers will pay a 10% food and beverage fee within 10 business days of function and will include a copy of actual invoice provided to client. All caterers understand that they will do general mopping/sweeping of space and will stow chairs and tables in assigned areas. Sample 1 ...
All flight-related costs and fees that are not included in the Charter Price shall be payable within two weeks after presentation of the invoice by IXAIR. In the event that the Customer has not paid the full Charter Price prior to commencement of the flight, IXAIR shall be entitled to ...
Selfcatering/bed&breakfast/halfboard/fullboard/all-inclusive Food Note:makesurethehotelyouareconsideringhastheservicesyoudesireasnotall hotelsofferthingslikeall-inclusive,andwhatyougetforeachtypeofservicemay vary from one hotel or country to another depending on their policies (find out before ...