* FileName : "Hello_pcj.java". */ import lib.util.persistent.*; import lib.util.persistent.types.*; import java.util.Scanner; class Hello_pcj { // Your program begins with a call to main(). // Prints "Hello, Persistent Memory" to the console. public ...
In this “Hello…” sample code, we showed how to write a simple string to and read it from persistent memory using the PMDK libpmemblk library. If you are interested in C++ and Java* sample code using other libraries or APIs from PMDK, you can find links t...
has one Java class,jPassString.java. The native method, written inPL/I, is contained inpassString.pli. Much of the information fromJNI sample program #1 - 'Hello World'applies to this sample program as well. The following topics discuss only new or different aspects for this sample program...
cd boxfuse-sample-java-war-hello mvn package boxfuse run target/hello-1.0.war Done! Open your browser at http://localhost:8888 or simple type boxfuse open hello:1.0 to see your brand new instance in action! About Boxfuse Sample Hello World Java application packaged as a war file Resourc...
PowerBuilder to Java (Java) Hello World Sample App This repo contains the source code and binaries for the PBJavaHelloWorld app. This app is just shows a Powerbuilder Window with a datawindow that implements a simple todo list. The sample was migrated with ourtoolsto a Spring Java application...
Output of the above program Hello World! URL = http://localhost:8080/URLRewrite/HelloWorld URI = /URLRewrite/HelloWorld Scheme = http Server Name = localhost Server Port = 8080 Context Path = /URLRewrite Servlet Path = /HelloWorld Query String = as400samplecode...
Before running the application, open the source fileHelloWorldMessageJNDI.javaand read through the code. The program is short and amply documented; you should have little trouble understanding how it works. To Run the Sample Application Make the directory containing theHelloWorldmessageJNDIapplication yo...
Compile the program's associated.moffile to load the appropriate class in the CIM Object Manager and to identify the provider: %mofcomp-uroot-proot_passwordNative_Example.mof Start CIM WorkShop: %/usr/sadm/bin/cimworkshop In the CIM WorkShop Toolbar, click the Find Class icon. ...
classSample{publicvoidprintMessage(){System.out.println("Hello, World!");}}Samplesample=null;sample.printMessage();// null pointer exception 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In the above code, we have aSampleclass with a methodprintMessage(). We create an instance of theSampleclass but ...
225 HelloCLR.cs 3,584 HelloCLR.exe The output of the "csc" command is the bytecode of the program in Intermediate Language stored in file, HelloCLR.exe, in the PE (Portable Executable) format. 3. When HelloCLR.exe is entered from a command line, Windows will invoke .NET CLR (Command...